Audiolinux V4 headless release notes
Version 7.0.0
1) Full system update
2) Kernel linux-audiolinux-rt version 6.12.6 RT LTO
3) Menu 811
Removed from special updates script forced installation of chrony
Added a check for the new isolated cores and priority framework when an
application is updated or installed or a service is enabled
If the corresponding patched service is not present in /etc/systemd/system
it will be added with the right configuration
Note that you should always use only the options in Audiolinux menu to
install/update an application or enable an audio service
Added options 23 'RASPOTIFY configuration' and 24 'RASPOTIFY
enable/disable' to Audio menu
Raspotify replaces spotifyd that was not working correctly any more
It will work only with a paid spotify subscription, but credentials are
not required if LIBRESPOT_DISABLE_DISCOVERY is not set, since Raspotify is
using zeroconf discovery mode
If you want to use the same installation on another PC you must first
reset isolated cores and application priority if the core number is
You can use the new option 20 'FULL RESET isolated cores and app
priority'in Expert menu
The backup option in System menu will reset automatically isolated cores
and app priority
Removed disabled options
Now isolated cores script is supporting isolation of Ethernet cards with
multiple irqs
Ethernet cards and Video cards irqs will be calculated automatically at
each boot
A warning has been added to isolated cores and realtime status
Updated CPU MARCH list
NEW isolated cores framework using systemd slices
The great advantage is that now the service checking every minute if the
application is assigned to the right group of cores is no more necessary
You must have a kernel with cgroup v2 enabled
-> Users of Ravenna daemon and kernel module should update driver with
the option in Audio extra menu to fix compatibility with kernel 6.12
-> If you want to use the new CpuSend and CpuOther in Diretta Host
configuration, you need only to define a group of isolated cores without
assigning Diretta to it
You must reboot after each change in isolated cores configuration
NEW realtime priority framework using systemd CPUSchedulingPriority
The great advantage is that now the rtapp service checking every minute if
an application process has the right priority is no more necessary
rtapp will start however if the application does not accept systemd
priority, but only for that specific application
You must restart your active audio services or reboot after the update and
after each priority change
Added option 2) cyclictest isolated cores to 13 'REALTIME tests' in status
Hyper-threading is no more automatically disabled if you configure
isolated cores or c-state with the boot mode option in System menu
Profile option in Main menu removed
Changed installation method of diretta-memory-player
Fixed option 3 'REALTIME clock' (Expert menu) restoring default value
after a menu update
Fixed edit options in 20 'DRIVER custom configuration (Network, AMD X3D
etc.)' (Expert menu)
Now the option will display systemd service status
Removed warning about tracker3 in special update script
Fixed continuous restarting of 'DRIVER custom configuration' systemd
Version 6.2.0
1) Full system update
2) Kernel linux-audiolinux-rt version 6.11.1 RT LTO (new custom
kernel for ZEN5 processors available)
3) Menu 755
Added '23 'SYSTEM TIME sync configuration' to Expert menu
Updated diretta-alsa-dkms and diretta-alsa-daemon to version 2024.10.24
"ssync alsa has been added to the setting
May provide a limited solution to the buffer under-run problem with high
load players such as HQPlayer
You should manually copy the new configuration file
cd /opt/diretta-alsa/
sudo cp setting.inf.pacnew setting.inf
Menu 753-754
Option 20 'NETWORK CARD configuration' changed to 20 'DRIVER custom
configuration (Network, AMD X3D etc.)' (Expert menu)
Added AMD X3D Cache Optimizer
# START AMD X3D configuration
# Here you can X3D cache for AMD X3D processors (valid for ZEN4, ZEN5
optimized kernels from version 6.11.3)
# -------------------------------------------
# echo cache >
# echo frequency >
# echo 409 >
# -------------------------------------------
# More information here:
# END AMD X3D configuratio
to /opt/configuration/
Changed default system time service from systemd-timesyncd to the more
powerful chronyd
For more information:
'Chrony is a versatile and powerful time synchronization tool for Linux
systems. It combines the functions of a client and a server, allowing for
synchronization with external time sources while also serving as a time
server for other systems. This feature is advantageous in environments
where maintaining a local time server is preferred or necessary'
Isolated core script will now update each time the list of available Audio
When Diretta host is enabled, Diretta Memory will be automatically
In INSTALL/UPDATE menu you will now be notified if the application was not
really installed becuase of errors
In that case contact support
The packages gssdp gupnp gupnp-dlna gupnp-igd rygel are no more 'on hold'
since last HQPlayer version needs the last version
Fixed option 12 'SUPPORT logs' in Main menu changing transfersh with a
python script supporting WeTransfer
FIX Qobuz or Tidal streaming using JPLAY iOS with HQPlayer:
Go to console/terminal and type
sudo bash /opt/scripts/update/
and reboot
Fixed the problem that acpi-cpufreq was correctly set but not enabled
after a reboot with AMD CPUs
Updated camilladsp gui configuration. You should re-configure camilladsp
with the option in Audio extra menu
HQPlayer embedded installation will re-compile libgmpris library
Web Interface 1 (wetty) disabled because incompatible with last nodejs
Otherwise wetty will produce a lot of coredump files in
/var/lib/systemd/coredump/ that could fill your installation drive
Moreover it was a security risk and last upstream version is not working
Please use ssh audiolinux@ipaddress (recommended) or the other Web
Interface at ipaddress:5001
General cleaning of special update scripts
Ravenna installation script (Audio extra menu) will modify
during installation using
/home/audiolinux/.config/alsa-aes67-driver/butler.config as path for
daemon configuration file
Removed package tracker3 to avoid errors during system update
Updated various scripts and files for compatibility with last versions of
Improved Diretta scripts in Audio extra menu are now compatible with
Diretta salsa
If you are using Diretta you should update the packages
diretta-alsa-daemon, diretta-alsa-dkms, diretta-memory-player if installed
and reboot
The new diretta-alsa-daemon is using the systemd service diretta_alsa
instead of diretta_alsa_single and it should be changed automatically with
menu update if enabled
Fixed option 22 'DELAY audio service' in Expert menu
(roonserver delay)
The option Audio extra menu -> 11 'DIRETTA memory play configuration'
-> 1) Install/update will now compile Diretta Memory Player instead of
installing the pre-build binary
With this change the player will be compatible with all versions of
Now a Menu update will not change the list of applications with realtime
priority used by rtapp and saved to /etc/rtpriority/rtapp.conf
Improved Ravenna audio over IP configuration
Added options
10 'DIRETTA memory play'
11 'DIRETTA memory play configuration'
to Audio extra menu
Option for disabling Linux journal removed in Expert menu
They could break systemd and D-bus with last systemd and kernel versions
Version 6.1.0
1) Full system update
2) Kernel linux-audiolinux-rt version 6.10.2 LTO
3) Menu 737
Improved Diretta memory play script 10 'DIRETTA memory play' (Audio extra
Now is possible to select Diretta Target and use the seek option
In 8 'COPY/BACKUP current installation to another drive' (System menu)
added a check that /mnt directory is not already mounted to some drive and
will copy files only if the target destination drive is really mounted
Menu update will not change the list of applications with realtime
priority used by rtapp and saved to /etc/rtpriority/rtapp.conf
In the option 13 'REALTIME PRIORITY configuration' -> 4) Configure IRQ
priority you can add video card to the list of devices with realtime
This is not generally recommended, but you could try it if you are using
for example NVIDIA Cuda for HQPlayer
Improved Ravenna audio over IP configuration
Added 4) Recommended system settings to 6 'RAVENNA/AES67 audio over IP
installation' (Audio extra menu) with the following content:
0) If you have 2 Ethernet outputs, go to System menu -> 'NETWORK
configuration (Bridge, DHCP, Static IP, DNS)', enable bridge and conenct
one output to router and the other directly to Ravenna DAC
1) Disable rtapp and rtirqs in System menu -> 'REALTIME PRIORITY
2) If you have 2 Ethernet ports and the Ravenna DAC is connected DIRECTLY
to one, you could enable rtnet in System menu -> 'REALTIME PRIORITY
configuration' with a priority of 90
3) Disable Ethernet card Power saving in Expert menu -> 'NETWORK/USB
power saving'
4) Activate Merging configuration in Expert menu -> 'NETWORK CARD
configuration' taking off # in front of the corresponding lines
5) Examples of NADAC configuration with ravenna-alsa daemon can be found
6) Merging documentation:
Added Roon library and settings periodic backup to 9 'ROONSERVER backup'
(audio menu):
1 - Select backup directory and default activation time
2 - Backup now
3 - Enable/disable periodic backup
4 - Restore
5 - Exit
Now is possible to set ENERGY value for intel pstate driver in 17 'CPU
FREQUENCY SCALING (driver, governor, frequency, turbo)'
Added options
10 'DIRETTA memory play'
11 'DIRETTA memory play configuration'
to Audio extra menu
These options will install and configure Diretta Memory Player
While Diretta Host is sending your music to a virtual card, Diretta Memory
Player will load your music files to RAM and send them to Diretta Target
without using Alsa on the host
This approach could improve the audio quality but you will not be able to
use your preferred player (including upsampling, convolution etc.) and the
selection of files to be played it's not so easy
In alternative you can control Memory Player on Audiolinux with the
Windows Memory Play Controller that you can download from Diretta site
Enabling Memory Player will disable automatically Diretta Host
Please be sure that Diretta target is running on your endpoint PC
Options for disabling Linux journal and watchdog temporarily removed in
Expert menu
They could break systemd and d-bus with last systemd and kernel version
Version 6.0.0
1) Full system update
2) Kernel linux-audiolinux-rt version 6.9.7
3) Menu 726
Added new option 20 'NETWORK CARD
configuration' in Expert menu
With this script you can set some special network card configuration
Since LMS is not working anymore the package logitechmediaserver-git has
been changed to logitechmediaserver-bin
If you are using LMS you should install the new package with the option
in Install menu
Previous logitechmediaserver-git is not removed. If all is working fine
you can remove it with the command
sudo pacman -R logitechmediaserver-git
Updated Ravenna installation script because Merging original daemon
needs a previous version of libcurl-compat
Modified links for manual custom kernel installation
Improved custom kernel script
Version 5.9.1
1) Full system update
2) Kernel linux-audiolinux-rt version 6.9.1
3) Fixed V4 repository key problem
4) Menu 721
Updated Ravenna installation script because Merging original daemon needs a previous version of libcurl-compat